Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How to Prepare For a Scuba Diving Trip

How to Prepare For a Scuba Diving Trip
By Simon Hemmings

Scuba diving is reserved for the adventurous souls who are not afraid to do something new, fun and exhilarating. However, adventurous as you may be, you cannot just go scuba diving out of the blue. If you want to take part in this sport, you should remember that like with any other endeavor, this will also require research, equipment and even training. You have to consult diving experts and those people who have experienced diving firsthand. Check out the beach and the renowned scuba diving destinations to maximize your experience. This is where research and planning comes in. Diving headfirst into uncharted territory is not only unwise but it could also be dangerous.

Find the Best Value for your Money - Scuba diving takes money as well as time and effort. Look through the internet for vacation packages which almost always include scuba diving in their list of activities. Compare rates from different packages and agencies and choose one that is right for you.

Remember that Safety comes First - One of the main reasons that you are planning in the first place is so you could avoid accidents and other events that might dampen your enjoyment. There are a lot of problems and risks involved in taking up scuba diving. It is always advisable to be with a diving buddy when you go exploring the vast ocean. Research a lot about the diving site that you are about to go to and check with the facilitators about how safe you are in their hands. Make sure that there is help near when such emergencies arise.

Go all out with the Gear - No amount of preparation can help you if you are not suited properly for the task. Pack your equipment in protective casing to make sure nothing gets damaged right before you out it on. You would want to avoid the dire situation of discovering a rip in your wetsuit when you have been so excited for the trip. This can dampen any spirit and might turn you off the whole scuba diving experience altogether. Always inspect your equipment before you wear them and before you use them. You will save yourself a great deal of grief if you check everything first before diving in. Take note of the gear you are wearing from head to toe.
There are suits that are flexible enough and sturdy enough that they do not break even amidst dire instances. Invest in good gear especially if you are going to take diving seriously.

from : http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Simon_Hemmings

Heaven Diver Spot

Malaysia-Pulau Sipadan-world's class dive spot

In the northeast of Borneo, in the borderland between Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines there are three world-class dive destinations located within sight of each other. Sipadan is the legendary island of the turtles, Kapalai with a resort built on stilts in the middle of the sea, and Mabul - an enchanting island where every coconut tree has its own number.

The geographic position of Sipadan puts it in the centre of the richest marine habitat in the world, the hearth of the Indo-Pacific basin. More than 3000 species of fish and hundreds of coral species have been classified in this richest of ecosystems. Sipadan is well known for its unusually large numbers of green and hawksbill turtles which gather there to mate and nest and it is not unusual for a diver to see more then 20 turtles on each dive. Another unique feature to dives visiting Sipadan in the turtle tomb, an underwater limestone cave with a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers that contain many skeletal remains of turtles that became disoriented and then drowned.

The residential schooling barracuda and big-eye trevally are one of the highlights on every diver's wish-list which often gather in thousands forming spectacular tornado-like formations. With the possibility of seeing pelagic such as mantas, eagle rays, scalloped hammerhead sharks and whale sharks, each dive at Sipadan is a highly anticipated event